Sunday, September 30, 2007

Waiting for Go-DayJet

While we wait for the big launch this week, let's look a bit more into DayJet's fleet plans.

Jon Udell had a friendly IT Conversations where Ed Iacobucci casually mentions confidential information exchange with other airframe providers.

Meanwhile, Paul Bertorelli of AvWeb had a much more direct interview from NBAA Atlanta with Ed here '
The DayJet leader says both that the company has plans for various size aircraft, and that they have to be able to fly only one passenger and not lose too much money. I think I missed something there.......? And, If the 500's performance is within 5% of plan, why not be "monogamous"?

Can the company which supported Eclipse with approximately 1400 orders/options change horses after the starting gate opens? Will another manufacturer provide such lenient deposit requirements and favorable delivery positions?

“There is a bubble in the market, and there will be a shakeout,” says
Gerald Bernstein, an aviation analyst with the Velocity Group.

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